8 Facts About Hair Transplant that You Need to Know
The core and emblem of a person’s attractiveness is their hair. Consider how often you touch your hair during the day or how often you brush and tidy your hair in front of a mirror. There comes a point in your life when you see your hair falling out when washing or combing. It’s sad, but don’t be alarmed!
Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor health, poor food, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. It can be reversible, however conditions like male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness can make it irreversible.
Truthfully, if you want your hair back in these situations, you’ll need a hair transplant. Before getting a hair transplant, you should know the answers to the following questions:
Let us call you

1. Is a hair transplant the appropriate procedure for me?
Perhaps, but perhaps not! Before receiving a hair transplant, you should consult with a hair and skin specialist. However, if you have a hair transplant, there should be no issues.
- You are in good health
- You have sufficient hair reserve on the back of your head to be transplanted
Hair transplanted in both FUE and FUT procedures is taken from the back of your scalp, where the hair is stronger and less affected by baldness diseases. Hair transplanted in both methods can grow back in 2-3 weeks.
2. Facts about hair transplant: Is it a painful procedure?
Although a hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical operation, you should expect some discomfort, which may vary according to your body. Overall, depending on your surgeon’s competence and experience, you may have some slight pain and discomfort. As a result, select a reputable clinic for your hair transplant. Examine the results of past patients, their credentials, and the facilities.
3. Can a Hair Donor come from other people?
Unfortunately, your hair follicles do not renew, therefore hair transplantation from another donor is not possible. It’s critical to take care of the hair you do have from the first indications of hair loss forward in order to maintain it strong and healthy since you never know when you’ll need it.
4. Are there any risks associated with hair transplant?
Hair transplant side effects are minimal, but keep in mind that it is not a solution for hair loss, and if you have a hereditary disease, you should consult a professional for prescriptions and drugs.
Depending on the hair transplant process, a little scar may appear after one year, however it will fade away successfully.
Hair transplants should be performed in a contemporary facility under the guidance of a qualified cosmetic surgeon or hair expert. Follow the after-care instructions and take the drugs given by your doctor. You will have a wonderful hair head that is typical, healthy, and fuller.
5. When will I be able to see the complete result of my hair transplant?
After hair restoration surgery, your transplanted hair will fall out for 2-3 weeks before growing back 3-4 weeks later. New hair follicles begin to form 2-3 months following your hair transplant, and it may take a year to see the ultimate results. So it’s normal to lose transplanted hair following surgery; it’ll come back.
6. Is a second hair transplant necessary, and if so, when?
Yes, it is dependent on the extent of your baldness. It is suggested that you utilize drugs and preventative therapy after your initial hair transplant. However, if you are really bald, you may not be happy with the results of your initial hair transplant and require a second. It can be done the same day if you have a good donor location (excellent hair reserve in rear of head), but our specialists recommend waiting 5-6 months for the next session.
7. Do I have to take medication for the rest of my life?
No, your doctor may prescribe some drugs to take for a short period of time after your hair transplant to strengthen transplanted hair, but there is no need to take any medication for transplanted hair for an extended period of time. However, keep in mind that you may need to use non-transplanted hair drugs and maintain your general hair and skin health.
8. What will be the facts about hair transplant if I return to work the next day?
Patients do return to work the next day in certain cases, however this is not encouraged primarily for cosmetic reasons. For around 2-5 days following the FUE operation, you will be sore and swollen. There will be some slight discomfort and you will need to keep a bandage on the target region for at least 24-48 hours, but most patients are able to work from home the next day or “lie low” for a few days to acclimate to the recuperation. Patients usually wear a hat for approximately a week to disguise any surgical leftovers, but this passes fast and patients may go about their daily lives without anybody knowing.