Could Your Hair Loss Be Seasonal?

There is a correlation between environmental shifts and the potential for seasonal hair loss. Loss of hair is more prevalent in the autumn and winter because less time is spent in the sun, and therefore less vitamin D, is absorbed by the body. Hair health can be affected by environmental factors such as temperature and humidity swings. If your hair loss lasts less than six months, it’s likely seasonal and not reason for alarm.

Causes of Hair Fall in the Spring

Although the changing of the seasons can have a role in triggering hair loss, this is not always the case. Some of the probable causes of hair loss during springtime are as follows:

Spring Hair Loss Treatment

For those who have excessive hair loss every spring, try these remedies.

Is Hair Loss Treatment Something You Need? If You Need a Hair Transplant in Malaysia, Call Today!

Maintain a positive attitude despite your hair loss. If you’re experiencing hair loss in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, come to Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia for the most effective treatment options. With cutting-edge technology and methods at their disposal, our team of specialists is able to provide individualised services to meet your specific requirements. Put an end to your hair loss and embrace your newfound self-assurance and young appearance. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards stronger, fuller hair.

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