Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia Dr Inder and Dr Kula do Scar Revision At donor area FUE method


Scar Revision On The Scalp

Scars on the scalp are very commonly seen due to injuries, surgical procedures like facelift, FUT strip method (causing a linear scar), etc. At Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia, we often repair these scars while performing an FUE hair transplant. However, sometimes it is done on its own. We also provide post-care treatments which are included in the service and we will follow up and guide you through the after-care journey. When doing FUE into scars, We at Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia employ a specialized method for transplantation using micro punching to attain a better outcome. These tiny punches remove a small core of the scar with each punch so as to achieve the following objectives: • physical reduction of the bald scar • replacement of unhealthy scar tissue with healthy hair graft tissue • better access and contact with the underlying healthy blood supply to improve graft growth • physical relaxation of the scar tissue.

Procedures Done at Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia

Planting Hair Grafts At Scar Donor Area

Planting Hair Grafts At Scar Tissue

How is it Done?

Scar Revision is done by FUE technique by implanting the healthy hair follicles directly from a donor area on the scalp which is also called permanent area and grafting them onto the scarred area.


The entire process has minimal to no pain, and recovery time is quite fast.
– Harvesting Process – Donor hair is carefully harvested, paying close attention to protecting blood supply and nerves while maximizing harvest yield. Meticulous closure of donor sites minimizes discomfort and improves healing.
– Recipient Site Creation – Recipient sites are chosen with perfect angles, direction, pattern and graft-to-site fit in mind to create the most natural results.
– Hair Graft Placement – Our experienced team expertly places all hair grafts so they are not too deep or too high and to prevent trauma upon placement.


You can leave the clinic immediately after treatment and return to your normal routine. Healing takes approximately 3-4 days, after which point any redness or slight swelling in the treatment area will have subsided. 

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